I cannot believe how a movie like Legion exists with its positive buzz and what not. You'd think an apocalypse movie about a angel turning his back against god to help humanity would be cool but no, they had to be stuck in a fucking diner throughout the whole movie with nothing but idiotic cliche horror survivors who suck at having any rational thought whatsoever. Oh and all that crazy action shown in the previews you may ask? There was barely any action in the movie whatsoever, we were so completely bored out of our minds, my friend actually fell asleep during the movie and it was only 20 minutes in! It then really fustrated me when the movie decided half way through it was going to be a terminator rip off and completely steal the entire plot of a fucking 26 year old movie. Seriously what the fuck?!? And on top of that, the entire ending was a complete mess, not knowing how the fuck
a teenager can die in a car crash yet a fucking baby can survive it!
end spoilers:
And the movie can't decided at the end whether the entire conflict was solved or not. I'm so glad I didn't pay to see that movie considering it was probably one of the most insulting movies I've seen in awhile, holy fucking shit...
300 Anime Songs
300 Anime Songs
I found that on Sankaku, and I gotta say, it's really hard... I mean, even I only got 132 of them. If that's all I got, I'd hate to see how serious the "True Otaku" that the video creator mentions are. I mean... if that only applies to those who got 270 or more, then wow...
Anyways, anyone who wishes to make the attempt, post your results here.
...and make sure you have half an hour to do it.
I found that on Sankaku, and I gotta say, it's really hard... I mean, even I only got 132 of them. If that's all I got, I'd hate to see how serious the "True Otaku" that the video creator mentions are. I mean... if that only applies to those who got 270 or more, then wow...
Anyways, anyone who wishes to make the attempt, post your results here.
...and make sure you have half an hour to do it.
My top ten games of 2009 (revised edition!)
I know I discussed my top 10 games of 2009 on star hill radio but after playing some other games that came out during last year, I think there needs to be some adjustments.
10. Blaz Blue
I love to casually play 2D fighters though I never really cared much for the character designs of series such as street fighter or king of fighters. I was always into the crazy fighters such as Darkstalkers (Felicia for the win!) and guilty gear and Blaz Blue was right up that alley with gorgeous 2d visuals, a deep story mode, and great online play. This easily beat Street Fighter 4 this year for best fighting game of the year.
9. The Beatles: Rock Band
Rock Band has always been my favorite out of the plastic guitar game series and Harmonix really knocked it out of the park with The Beatles. Its everything a fan would want out of a Beatles game with behinds the scenes footage, classic songs you will never get tired of playing, and trippy visuals. I also love the fact that Harmonix took some cues from the newer Guitar Hero games and put a timer when you unpause the game.
8. Dragon Age: Origins
This game is extremely fucking deep. Every time I play the game I feel like I barely scratched the surface. It also plays almost exactly like Star Wars: Knights of the old republic and that game was my crack when it first came out so this will have me hooked for awhile when you add in all the custom fan made quests and various dlc.
7. Borderlands
This is what Fallout 3 should of been. Online coop, a true marriage of fps and rpg action, and collecting over a billion guns truly makes for some addicting gameplay. Definably one of the biggest surprises of 2009.
6. Brutal Legend
When Tim Schafer makes a new game, I have no choice but to buy it without any question, even if it sounds too good to be true. A homage to heavy metal starring Jack Black, Ozzy, and other big stars combined with an open world action adventure mixed with vehicular combat and rts sections. Its very funny and very different which makes this game a breath of fresh air compared to all the other releases out this year.
5. Assassin's Creed 2
Holy fucking shit... Where the hell did this come from?!? I absolutely loathed the first game as it had loads of promise but the repetitive gameplay and frustrating plot points near the end of the game just enraged me to no end which I didn't even want to play the sequel. After getting my hands on it however, I haven't been able to put it down. Every single problem I had with the original has been fixed and I love the fact that the main character is a much more likable than Altair (who was an extreme douche in the original). Biggest surprise of 2009 for me... well except for the next game.
4. Tales of Monkey Island
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, HELL HAS TRULY FROZEN OVER! It's been a decade since we've last seen Guybrush Threepwood and since the announcement at E3 that Monkey Island is getting revived by Telltale games, I was in complete fan boy bliss. What I did not expect however, was how this episodic series really evolved the characters in a more darker and mature way while still keeping the comedy intact. This series is right up there with Monkey Island 2 and 3 and anyone who enjoys Lucasarts adventure games should definably pick this up, RIGHT NOW!.
3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
This game is crack, period! Once you start playing this game, you will never put it down. The online is robust and addicting, the single player is an incredible ride, and spec ops is a cool alternative to a co op campaign.
2. New Super Mario Bros Wii
This is the true sequel to Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World, that's how good this game truly is. 4 player coop is really fun and the game is probably the hardest Mario platformer I've played yet.
1. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
No game this year had me excited more than Uncharted 2. The first game became one of my favorite games due to the combination of platforming and 3rd person cover based shooting with a well written plot inspired by pulp adventures such as Raiders of the Lost Ark. The sequel blows everything about the original in the water as every single moment of the game feels like a huge action set piece you'd expect from like a final level or a Hollywood blockbuster. The graphics are amazing, the multiplayer is addicting with aspects of cod 4 in its interface, and the story is mind blowingly great. This is the next step in interactive entertainment and I can't wait to see what Naughty Dog does next for Nathan Drake.
I love to casually play 2D fighters though I never really cared much for the character designs of series such as street fighter or king of fighters. I was always into the crazy fighters such as Darkstalkers (Felicia for the win!) and guilty gear and Blaz Blue was right up that alley with gorgeous 2d visuals, a deep story mode, and great online play. This easily beat Street Fighter 4 this year for best fighting game of the year.
Rock Band has always been my favorite out of the plastic guitar game series and Harmonix really knocked it out of the park with The Beatles. Its everything a fan would want out of a Beatles game with behinds the scenes footage, classic songs you will never get tired of playing, and trippy visuals. I also love the fact that Harmonix took some cues from the newer Guitar Hero games and put a timer when you unpause the game.
This game is extremely fucking deep. Every time I play the game I feel like I barely scratched the surface. It also plays almost exactly like Star Wars: Knights of the old republic and that game was my crack when it first came out so this will have me hooked for awhile when you add in all the custom fan made quests and various dlc.
This is what Fallout 3 should of been. Online coop, a true marriage of fps and rpg action, and collecting over a billion guns truly makes for some addicting gameplay. Definably one of the biggest surprises of 2009.
When Tim Schafer makes a new game, I have no choice but to buy it without any question, even if it sounds too good to be true. A homage to heavy metal starring Jack Black, Ozzy, and other big stars combined with an open world action adventure mixed with vehicular combat and rts sections. Its very funny and very different which makes this game a breath of fresh air compared to all the other releases out this year.
Holy fucking shit... Where the hell did this come from?!? I absolutely loathed the first game as it had loads of promise but the repetitive gameplay and frustrating plot points near the end of the game just enraged me to no end which I didn't even want to play the sequel. After getting my hands on it however, I haven't been able to put it down. Every single problem I had with the original has been fixed and I love the fact that the main character is a much more likable than Altair (who was an extreme douche in the original). Biggest surprise of 2009 for me... well except for the next game.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, HELL HAS TRULY FROZEN OVER! It's been a decade since we've last seen Guybrush Threepwood and since the announcement at E3 that Monkey Island is getting revived by Telltale games, I was in complete fan boy bliss. What I did not expect however, was how this episodic series really evolved the characters in a more darker and mature way while still keeping the comedy intact. This series is right up there with Monkey Island 2 and 3 and anyone who enjoys Lucasarts adventure games should definably pick this up, RIGHT NOW!.
This game is crack, period! Once you start playing this game, you will never put it down. The online is robust and addicting, the single player is an incredible ride, and spec ops is a cool alternative to a co op campaign.
This is the true sequel to Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World, that's how good this game truly is. 4 player coop is really fun and the game is probably the hardest Mario platformer I've played yet.
No game this year had me excited more than Uncharted 2. The first game became one of my favorite games due to the combination of platforming and 3rd person cover based shooting with a well written plot inspired by pulp adventures such as Raiders of the Lost Ark. The sequel blows everything about the original in the water as every single moment of the game feels like a huge action set piece you'd expect from like a final level or a Hollywood blockbuster. The graphics are amazing, the multiplayer is addicting with aspects of cod 4 in its interface, and the story is mind blowingly great. This is the next step in interactive entertainment and I can't wait to see what Naughty Dog does next for Nathan Drake.
Top 12 Anime of 2009
Well, it’s that time of year again, 2009 is coming to an end, and 2010 is right around the corner. So, I’ve decided to take a look back at all the new anime that have come out in the last year, and in doing so have come up with the list of my top 10 anime of 2009, however, I couldn’t bring myself to cut down the list any further, so instead, this will now be a top 12 list. That’s just how things work out.
Sadly disqualified from this list are Toradora and Casshern Sins, both for having aired in 2008, and therefore neither counts despite the fact that they ended back in March. Anyways, here we go.
Special Mention: Sora no Otoshimono
This is a pretty crappy show, I have to admit. It’s stereotypical in every way, fanservice everywhere, and no real story to speak of. However, this is what all bad anime should strive to be like. Despite being bad, it was still a really enjoyable series. I mean, when you have an entire episode dedicated to panties taking off into the shy and flying all over the world like a flock of birds, your audience just laughed themselves into watching the whole series.
Hell yes, this show was just awesome in every way… Needlessly so. I mentioned it back in my Summer 2009 review on the Starhill forums, but it deserves a repeat. People with superpowers beating the crap out of each other, awesome characters, and just one major battle after another. This show was nothing but pure awesome the whole way through, well… until episode 23, then I sad-faced… I won’t say why, but trust me, watch it and you’ll see. It’s still worth it. Not to mention the opening theme, Modern Strange Cowboy by Granrodeo, one of my favourite bands, just makes this series even better.
11. Nyan Koi!
Yeah, who the hell expected this to be on this list back in October? I, as well as most other people, went into this series with absolutely no expectations. I expected it to be entertaining, but good? No, hell no, I was expecting some laughs at the expense of the main character, and some sympathizing due to a shared dislike of cats. No one expected anything from this show, but holy shit did it deliver. It had some pretty solid romantic drama, without resorting to fanservice more than needed. The storyline was good too, ended on a good note. I look forward to the second season that’s already been green-lit, since the series should have been 26 episodes in the first place.
10. Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen
Well, it’s a Nagai series, it was bound to make this list. In all honesty though, this series was incredibly awesome. The story was amazing, kept you hooked, the combat was intense and well done, and the story managed to please even hardcore Mazinger fans, which is impressive considering it was a remake of the original with a new story. It actually managed to stay true to the original characters and plotline while completely changing it for a more modern audience. I watched it and was taking note of all the moments borrowed from the manga, and every other Mazinger series to come before it, and still managed to bring it all together into a solid series. All that lands it at my umber ten spot.
9. Hanasakeru Seishounen
Now, this series apparently got a lot of negative sentiment from people, and very few actually watched it. In fact, when Fleets saw I was ranking it this high, he commented that he had assumed it was a really bad series. Not to mention how every fansub group doing it dropped this series at around episode 10. It’s just one of those things that the community generally despises, but that’s not always a good way to judge it. The online community has a habit of ignoring anything that attempts to be artsy… such as anything to do with classic literature… I still want my Sangoku Engi subs by the way. Anyways, the series is much better than people give it credit for, and the plotline is new and fresh as well. Yes, it’s a romance series, and yes it’s full of bishounen guys, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It seems the better part of the community sees that and then ignores it because large numbers of bishounen guys tend to mean shounen-ai overtones. People need to understand that’s not a bad thing, even if you’re not into that, those series can be some of the best, just look at Ouran and Kyou Kara Maoh. Anyways, great plotline, with amazing drama, and a twist towards the end that admittedly would have been more of a surprise if they hadn’t changed the opening theme to showcase it about five episodes before it happened. Still, it was a great series, and I’m going to be sorry to see it end.
8. Umineko no Naku Koro ni
This series just yanked you around from beginning to end, in fact, the ending just took you off your high horse and pitched you into a ditch. Trying to figure out exactly how all the murders were really being done was a weird challenge in the first arc, but was suddenly made harder the second time around when they started showing you how they were supposedly done, and yet telling you that it wasn’t afterwards. Every time you thought you had a handle on what was going on, suddenly you were completely in the dark again. It was a well done series, and it was amazingly suspenseful, the only reason it’s this low is because I’m still kind of pissed about that ending. I mean seriously, I kind of expected they’d do that, but shit… to tell us that every conclusion the main character had come to was completely wrong and then just end it… dick move.
7. Umi Monogatari ~Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto~
I don’t know what I was expecting when I started this series, but it definitely wasn’t a magical girl series. That aside though, plotline was interesting, music was amazing and incredibly haunting at times, and the characters were deep and interesting. There was none of that shounen series ultimate power-up to beat the final boss crap either, though I won’t spoil the ending. I’ll just say that the opening theme for the last episode made my skin crawl. It was the same song as always, but the slight change in the animation for it made such a major difference to how it felt. It still gives me chills to think about it. Awesome series, I recommend it to everyone.
6. Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
I knew this series was going to be good right from the beginning, and man was I right. It was new grounds for Bones, the first time in a while something they made didn’t have mechs or supernatural powers of some kind as far as I know. The entire show was just a drama about a major natural disaster that completely destroyed Tokyo, the after-effects, and a group of people trying to get home to make sure their family was alright. The series always kept you on the edge of your seat, and they pulled a major twist towards the end that even I didn’t see coming. A great series, the perfect length, great ending, everyone should see this if they haven’t already.
5. Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~
A series about a set of assassins brainwashed, turned into trained killing machines, and used to help create the biggest crime syndicate to ever exist. Lots of interpersonal drama, cool action scenes, and moments where the main characters are quite possibly the most terrifying thing you have ever seen. The series pulled itself off really well, despite being based on a short OVA, that was based on an H-game… or so I’m told. The action was awesome, the drama was even better, and that ending. You knew it had to end like that, there was no way around it, but in your heart, you just wished it wouldn’t. I will say no more so as to not spoil the series, but do yourselves a favour and watch it, it’s well worth your time.
4. Aoi Hana
Hands down, one of the best anime to come out in the Summer 2009 season. It was good drama, good romantic plot, a bit sad a lot of the time, but that’s somewhat expected with a yuri series. It’s hard to explain why this series was so good, but I looked forward to each new episode so much. It was just a really addictive show. So if you like good romance, and don’t mind if it’s between girls, then I suggest you check this series out.
3. Bakemonogatari
This show surprised a lot of people. A show made up of smaller story arcs, each one dealing with a supernatural problem centering around a single character. This show quickly became quite possibly the most popular series of the summer season, so good that Shaft announced they would make three extra episodes after it finished airing in September, to be streamed on their website. The series was interesting, the characters were good, and the relationships between them were also well done. At the end of the day, the entire series came down to interpersonal drama, and each character taking a look at their own deepest darkest thoughts and desires. Bakemonogatari is definitely one of the best anime this year, quite possibly one of very few popular anime that are actually worthy of all the hype surrounding them.
2. Eden of the East
This show just floored me in so many ways. The voices, the music, the entire package was just really well done. The storyline was interesting, entertaining, and kept throwing you for a loop, and the characters were great, especially Takizawa, that guy was awesome. The end of the series was absolutely epic too, and left it open just enough for the two movies to come to wrap it all up nicely. I’m looking forward to those movies so much.
1. Kimi ni Todoke
This just had to be here, and most of the people on Starhill know exactly why. This show is just amazing, and manages to deliver to pretty much every demographic. The main character is just so lovable, you just want to hug her and protect her, and when an animated series can summon that kind of emotion, you know someone did something right. In fact, why the hell are you still reading this? If you haven’t started watching this yet, go do it! Now!
Sadly disqualified from this list are Toradora and Casshern Sins, both for having aired in 2008, and therefore neither counts despite the fact that they ended back in March. Anyways, here we go.
Special Mention: Sora no Otoshimono
This is a pretty crappy show, I have to admit. It’s stereotypical in every way, fanservice everywhere, and no real story to speak of. However, this is what all bad anime should strive to be like. Despite being bad, it was still a really enjoyable series. I mean, when you have an entire episode dedicated to panties taking off into the shy and flying all over the world like a flock of birds, your audience just laughed themselves into watching the whole series.
Hell yes, this show was just awesome in every way… Needlessly so. I mentioned it back in my Summer 2009 review on the Starhill forums, but it deserves a repeat. People with superpowers beating the crap out of each other, awesome characters, and just one major battle after another. This show was nothing but pure awesome the whole way through, well… until episode 23, then I sad-faced… I won’t say why, but trust me, watch it and you’ll see. It’s still worth it. Not to mention the opening theme, Modern Strange Cowboy by Granrodeo, one of my favourite bands, just makes this series even better.
11. Nyan Koi!
Yeah, who the hell expected this to be on this list back in October? I, as well as most other people, went into this series with absolutely no expectations. I expected it to be entertaining, but good? No, hell no, I was expecting some laughs at the expense of the main character, and some sympathizing due to a shared dislike of cats. No one expected anything from this show, but holy shit did it deliver. It had some pretty solid romantic drama, without resorting to fanservice more than needed. The storyline was good too, ended on a good note. I look forward to the second season that’s already been green-lit, since the series should have been 26 episodes in the first place.
10. Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen
Well, it’s a Nagai series, it was bound to make this list. In all honesty though, this series was incredibly awesome. The story was amazing, kept you hooked, the combat was intense and well done, and the story managed to please even hardcore Mazinger fans, which is impressive considering it was a remake of the original with a new story. It actually managed to stay true to the original characters and plotline while completely changing it for a more modern audience. I watched it and was taking note of all the moments borrowed from the manga, and every other Mazinger series to come before it, and still managed to bring it all together into a solid series. All that lands it at my umber ten spot.
9. Hanasakeru Seishounen
Now, this series apparently got a lot of negative sentiment from people, and very few actually watched it. In fact, when Fleets saw I was ranking it this high, he commented that he had assumed it was a really bad series. Not to mention how every fansub group doing it dropped this series at around episode 10. It’s just one of those things that the community generally despises, but that’s not always a good way to judge it. The online community has a habit of ignoring anything that attempts to be artsy… such as anything to do with classic literature… I still want my Sangoku Engi subs by the way. Anyways, the series is much better than people give it credit for, and the plotline is new and fresh as well. Yes, it’s a romance series, and yes it’s full of bishounen guys, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It seems the better part of the community sees that and then ignores it because large numbers of bishounen guys tend to mean shounen-ai overtones. People need to understand that’s not a bad thing, even if you’re not into that, those series can be some of the best, just look at Ouran and Kyou Kara Maoh. Anyways, great plotline, with amazing drama, and a twist towards the end that admittedly would have been more of a surprise if they hadn’t changed the opening theme to showcase it about five episodes before it happened. Still, it was a great series, and I’m going to be sorry to see it end.
8. Umineko no Naku Koro ni
This series just yanked you around from beginning to end, in fact, the ending just took you off your high horse and pitched you into a ditch. Trying to figure out exactly how all the murders were really being done was a weird challenge in the first arc, but was suddenly made harder the second time around when they started showing you how they were supposedly done, and yet telling you that it wasn’t afterwards. Every time you thought you had a handle on what was going on, suddenly you were completely in the dark again. It was a well done series, and it was amazingly suspenseful, the only reason it’s this low is because I’m still kind of pissed about that ending. I mean seriously, I kind of expected they’d do that, but shit… to tell us that every conclusion the main character had come to was completely wrong and then just end it… dick move.
7. Umi Monogatari ~Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto~
I don’t know what I was expecting when I started this series, but it definitely wasn’t a magical girl series. That aside though, plotline was interesting, music was amazing and incredibly haunting at times, and the characters were deep and interesting. There was none of that shounen series ultimate power-up to beat the final boss crap either, though I won’t spoil the ending. I’ll just say that the opening theme for the last episode made my skin crawl. It was the same song as always, but the slight change in the animation for it made such a major difference to how it felt. It still gives me chills to think about it. Awesome series, I recommend it to everyone.
6. Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
I knew this series was going to be good right from the beginning, and man was I right. It was new grounds for Bones, the first time in a while something they made didn’t have mechs or supernatural powers of some kind as far as I know. The entire show was just a drama about a major natural disaster that completely destroyed Tokyo, the after-effects, and a group of people trying to get home to make sure their family was alright. The series always kept you on the edge of your seat, and they pulled a major twist towards the end that even I didn’t see coming. A great series, the perfect length, great ending, everyone should see this if they haven’t already.
5. Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~
A series about a set of assassins brainwashed, turned into trained killing machines, and used to help create the biggest crime syndicate to ever exist. Lots of interpersonal drama, cool action scenes, and moments where the main characters are quite possibly the most terrifying thing you have ever seen. The series pulled itself off really well, despite being based on a short OVA, that was based on an H-game… or so I’m told. The action was awesome, the drama was even better, and that ending. You knew it had to end like that, there was no way around it, but in your heart, you just wished it wouldn’t. I will say no more so as to not spoil the series, but do yourselves a favour and watch it, it’s well worth your time.
4. Aoi Hana
Hands down, one of the best anime to come out in the Summer 2009 season. It was good drama, good romantic plot, a bit sad a lot of the time, but that’s somewhat expected with a yuri series. It’s hard to explain why this series was so good, but I looked forward to each new episode so much. It was just a really addictive show. So if you like good romance, and don’t mind if it’s between girls, then I suggest you check this series out.
3. Bakemonogatari
This show surprised a lot of people. A show made up of smaller story arcs, each one dealing with a supernatural problem centering around a single character. This show quickly became quite possibly the most popular series of the summer season, so good that Shaft announced they would make three extra episodes after it finished airing in September, to be streamed on their website. The series was interesting, the characters were good, and the relationships between them were also well done. At the end of the day, the entire series came down to interpersonal drama, and each character taking a look at their own deepest darkest thoughts and desires. Bakemonogatari is definitely one of the best anime this year, quite possibly one of very few popular anime that are actually worthy of all the hype surrounding them.
2. Eden of the East
This show just floored me in so many ways. The voices, the music, the entire package was just really well done. The storyline was interesting, entertaining, and kept throwing you for a loop, and the characters were great, especially Takizawa, that guy was awesome. The end of the series was absolutely epic too, and left it open just enough for the two movies to come to wrap it all up nicely. I’m looking forward to those movies so much.
1. Kimi ni Todoke
This just had to be here, and most of the people on Starhill know exactly why. This show is just amazing, and manages to deliver to pretty much every demographic. The main character is just so lovable, you just want to hug her and protect her, and when an animated series can summon that kind of emotion, you know someone did something right. In fact, why the hell are you still reading this? If you haven’t started watching this yet, go do it! Now!
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