So during my hiatus from star hill I had some time to play some games for relaxation from school work and boy were there some great ones.
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Episode 1
Oh boy, a third season of episodic games staring the freelance police. I'm such a huge fanboy of Sam & Max with their twisted humor and fresh off the amazing Tales of Monkey Island series, Telltale games really has taken adventure gaming to the next level yet again. The plot is more twisted and weird compared to the previous episodes (which is a good thing, being more inspired by the comics) with Max obtaining psychic powers that results in absolute hilarity while the two battle a new nemesis from space. This is probably the best Sam & Max game yet (yes even better than the classic 1993 hit the road game) and anyone who loves point and click game or just love to laugh should pick this up for sure!
Splinter Cell: Conviction
I'd admit that I always wanted to get into the Splinter Cell series but the slow pace and punishing game play always threw me off. This game however is a complete overhaul for its game play and I loved every second of it. You play once again as Sam Fisher, a former agent who's now gone rogue in search of his daughter's killer while uncovering a bigger conspiracy. I have never felt a stealth action game be so quick paced before and the game play changes they have done to the series makes it a better game. Sure you still can't run and gun in the game but you can stand a chance in a shoot out if you plan your actions right which I really appreciated since the other games were horrible for that. If you ever wanted to play a game that really made you feel like Jason Bourne or Jack Bauer you will eat this up for sure!
Perfect Dark 360
One of the best N64 games ever got ported to the 360 with updated controls, graphics, and online gameplay. It plays like a dream and if you ever had fond memories of playing the original, then check out this port/update as its really cheap. Oh and the farsight is still a beast and cheap to use!
Final Fantasy XIII
What can I say? Its a new Final Fantasy and its presentation is always impressing me. I also love how they simplified the game play and made it more accessible for newcomers yet at the same time having a hidden depth to it. The game is basically like Final Fantasy X without Tidus in it and thats a huge plus for me, always hated that guy with that annoying laugh and all...
The Anime-Niac's Winter Season 2010 Review
It occurs to me, now that the Spring season is upon us, that I never did do a review of the Winter season before it like I usually do. So, in order to fix this error, I now bring you a post-season look at the Winter 2010 anime season.
Oh man I love this series. This series is set in Ikebukuro, one of the downtown Tokyo areas for those who don’t know. It’s a slice of life series, but it really manages to put a fresh spin on slice of life style storytelling. Every character is unique, and in most cases, absolutely awesome in so many ways. From the black, Russian, sushi chef, to the guy who throws vending machines at people, to the headless, Irish fairy with a scythe that rides around on a motorcycle that neighs like a horse. All the characters all stand out so well on their own, and yet they have such good chemistry together, that it’s hard not to enjoy each and every episode immensely.
Hands down, this is the best anime of 2010 so far. That said, I hope something better than this comes out in future, because that would mean we’re starting to get back into really good anime and less Moe bullshit…
Sora no Woto
Speaking of Moe bullshit… This series kind of existed during the Winter season. Now, Fleets and Chuck are of the opinion that this show sucked ass, and I won’t argue with them too much. It was nothing spectacular, the plotline was rehashed from pretty much every anime known to man, and the character designs were stolen completely from a certain other popular Moe series that wasn’t even a year old yet when they did it. This show is like someone said “Hey, let’s put the K-ON girls in the military! It’ll sell!”. Anyways, I digress, it honestly isn’t the worst anime I’ve ever seen. Parts of it made me laugh, just as much made me facepalm, but it got a few laughs. In my opinion, there was one saving grace for this show, the music. As you’d expect from a show with a title that translates into “Sounds of the Sky”, the music is really well done. I mean, first there’s the opening theme, which I absolutely loved, and then there’s the background music that actually matched the scenes really well. Also, throwing an orchestral version of Amazing Grace into the series as an insert from time to time helped quite a bit. The ending… meh, could have done with or without it, but still, music was awesome. So, if you’re like me, and you’ve stuck with a series to the end just because of the music, I’d give this a try.
Dance in the Vampire Bund
Well, this series was a disappointment. It started off rather good, and then after the first few episodes it kind of took a nosedive. In fact, I almost thought it was a Gonzo series for a while there, and then I remembered that they went bankrupt. No, this piece of shit was made by Shaft, a company that’s had a really good track record in the last few years as far as I’m concerned. It shocked me that they fucked it up that hard. Anyways, the series is about the Queen of the Vampires bringing her people into the public eye, and making a kingdom for them just off of Japan… after paying off the entire country to do so by paying off their national debt all in one go. The story revolves around all the issues that arise from this sudden movement, and mainly the Queen’s favourite servant, a werewolf named Akira’s, involvement in it all. Good start, looked promising, and then just fell through towards the end. It just seemed pointless after the first half of the series, and that pointless arc was very rushed to boot. This show gets a big fail from me.
Seikon no Qwasar
Ugh… someone remind me why I’m still watching this? Oh yeah… Anyways, Seikon no Quasar, the show about a group of individuals who each have control of an element of the periodic table, and recover their power to do so by drinking fresh breast milk straight from a woman’s breasts. Yep. It’s just as bad as it sounds. The series itself isn’t actually that bad mind you, but there’s one glaring little issue with it… censorship. Now, I can understand covering up certain parts in the name of censorship, using randomly place leaves and fog to cover up parts that can’t be shown on tv. However, that’s not what they did here. Instead, they mess with the camera angles. That’s right, the fight is happening, a big moment they put a lot of effort into animating, and what do they do? They tilt the fucking camera up to stare at clouds. Makes the show unwatchable. No matter how bad a show is, if we’re watching it, it means we want to see the fucking action! We don’t want to hear it while staring at a nearby tree! Why am I still watching it? Uncut directors edition… low quality internet streaming, but still better than the 720p tv version…
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
This series is about a school where students have the ability to summon chibi clones of themselves with attack power and HP based on their grades in order to do battle with each other for various reasons. In particular, it’s about the F class, the guys with the lowest grades in the school and their quest to prove that they aren’t useless like everyone seems to be believe, and that grades aren’t everything. That said, for a series that had that combat system set up so early on as a major plot point, there really wasn’t all that much combat. The actual battles only really took place in the first episode, and the final two. In between was your pretty standard high school anime full of running gags that got stale after the first two times you saw them. When the battles were taking place, the series was good, the strategies used were interesting, and it was fun to watch. In between, it was nothing special, and actually fairly boring. Make of this what you will, it had its good points, but largely the show failed to deliver. I don’t recommend it, but I won’t recommend you avoid it either.
This show is like what you’d get if you combined the writers that did Higurashi, with the character designers from Peach Pit (creators of Dears, Rozen Maiden, etc). Creepy mystery plotline where no real information about what’s going on is revealed until the end of the series, with cutesy character designs. The show itself was pretty good, though Fleets will likely disagree with that statement. The mystery kept me hooked for the entire series, and they revealed the information about it so sparingly that it kept you interested for the entire thing, as well as confusing you at points with certain details that made you throw away all your assumptions. It was well executed, and didn’t continue on much past the point where the mystery was finally solved, and all issues therein were resolved. I’d definitely recommend people take a look at this series, as it’s definitely one of my top picks for the season.
Omamori Himari
Standard, in every single way, that’s probably the best way to explain this series. Fanservice everywhere, demons fighting each other, and the main character not only surrounded by women, but has some sort of mysterious power hidden within him that is supposed to make him one of the most powerful people in the world. Above all else, the female lead is constantly emo about how it isn’t right for her to be around the main character despite him, and every other character in the show constantly reassuring her that they all want her to be with them. There is nothing original about this series, at all. It reeks of having its plotline stolen from everywhere else. That said though, it’s definitely a Chuck anime, tits and fighting everywhere. Honestly, at very least, when it stole things from every other anime in existence, it only picked up the good things… well, aside from that little quality about the female lead that always pissed me off. Anyways, not the best show, but it’s at least watchable.
Ladies vs. Butlers
Oh man, this show… I honestly think this series could have traded television stations with Seikon no Qwasar to avoid the whole censorship issue as the guys who aired this seem to have no problem with showing absolutely everything. I mean, seriously, this is the kind of show that usually gets through fine with light censorship here and there, a leaf from a strategically placed tree blocking view of things and so forth. Instead, we get full on nudity at every turn. Not that I’m complaining, just noticing that the more extreme series ended up on a station that cared, and this one didn’t.
Anyways, the series is about a new transfer student at a school for rich kids, where the rich students study alongside their future maids and butlers. However, there’s only one male in the rich kid half, and three guys total in the servant half. Anyways, the series involves the interactions between him and all the other students, usually resulting in some fairly racy scenes. Anyways, series ends up focusing on the fact that two of the girls in the rich class are competing over him, but who cares, because he never fucking even noticed any of that… seriously, this guy was dense even by anime male standards. So yeah, once again, decent show, not really a must see, but it’s a great way to kill time if you need to.
I don’t even know how to describe this show properly… I mean, this was perhaps one of the most well disguised shows of the season. I mean, the plot summary makes it look like one of the most creepy anime every made, but it’s really not. Anyways, since I have to say this eventually, I’ll just do it. This series is about a group of middle school girls as they learn all about underwear to suit their developing bodies, and as they make a school club to study underwear and spread the knowledge to anyone willing to learn. Yep… that’s pretty much the plot synopsis. However, this series was actually kind of light-hearted and cute. For one, the main character, Nayu, had a legitimate interest in women’s underwear, for purposes of comfort and function. Her Grandmother and her older brother were both underwear designers, and lord knows it looks like she was going to be doing that too. That mentality of hers actually draws in a lot of other people and makes them interested in it as well. It even sort of makes fun of what we’re all inevitably thinking about the plot of this series. Everyone in the show who seems to think of underwear as something erotic or naughty is shown as an idiot, a bitch, or a misguided individual who gets set on the right path by the main characters. This series was actually a lot better than I originally assumed it would be, and I recommend people give it a look.
Boku Otaryman
There’s always one of these… every god damned season. That one thing that I’m looking forward to, that I’ve heard great things about, and I wait for... So someone please tell me… WHY HAS NO ONE SUBBED THIS YET?!?!?! I mean, I don’t even see so much as a raw out for this on the internet. Why must people always do this? The series is about a working man, who is also an otaku. Far from the usual stereotype where Otaku usually get shown as Hikkikomori, or complete geeks, he’s a working individual supporting himself, and his hobby. The manga is well liked, and it’s a decently popular series, so why has it not been subbed? *sigh* Well, I hope it gets done soon…
Considering this series is only four episodes in by this point, it really feels like I’m doing a first impressions review here. Anyways, the series is about a man named Shichika, heir to a martial arts style known a Kyotoryu, a martial art that has been given the title, “The strongest style of swordsmanship, which uses no sword”. That’s right, it is an unarmed martial art that focuses on disarming armed opponents, or otherwise breaking their weapon. It also treats the arms and legs of the user’s body much like blades in how it works, but this is all technical babble. Anyways, his entire family was exiled to a deserted island because the Shogun feared his father, despite the fact that his father single-handedly squashed a rebellion for him. One day, a young girl working for the Shogun comes to the island, begging him to help her on a quest to gather 12 famous swords from all corners of the country. Why would she resort to asking someone her lord exiled? Because she’s been betrayed by all those who were sent to follow her. The ninjas worked for money, but the swords were each worth far more than the Shogun could pay, so they took the information and ran. The samurai she had with her worked for honour, but the honour of wielding one of these swords was far greater, and so he left her side with one of the blades in hand. In the end, she found she couldn’t trust anyone who worked for money or honour, and so she came to him hoping to find someone who would work for the only reason left. Love. She came into his home, sat down, and asked him to fall for her. I never said she was the brightest person in the world.
Anyways, the show follows them as they work to get their hands on all the swords, fighting off many opponents, including the current owners, and the ninjas who are out to steal them. What’s interesting to note, is that the novels this is based on were written by the same author as Bakemonogatari, and you can really tell. The way this show does its dialogue is very similar to Bakemonogatari, the circular conversations that never seem to go anywhere, and yet never leave you bored for a moment, and yet this show knows exactly how to combine that with awesome action scenes. Anyways, the reason this show is only 4 episodes in at present is because it’s not airing on a normal schedule. This series airs once every two weeks or so, but the episodes are an hour long each, so it’s very worth it in the end. It’s an awesome series that keeps you waiting an wanting the next episode, and everyone should give it a watch.
Anyways, that’s it for what I watched in the winter season. Look forward to seeing my first impressions of the Spring season the minute someone subs Uraboku.
…Wait… someone already has? Well then, I have absolutely no excuse, now do I?
Oh man I love this series. This series is set in Ikebukuro, one of the downtown Tokyo areas for those who don’t know. It’s a slice of life series, but it really manages to put a fresh spin on slice of life style storytelling. Every character is unique, and in most cases, absolutely awesome in so many ways. From the black, Russian, sushi chef, to the guy who throws vending machines at people, to the headless, Irish fairy with a scythe that rides around on a motorcycle that neighs like a horse. All the characters all stand out so well on their own, and yet they have such good chemistry together, that it’s hard not to enjoy each and every episode immensely.
Hands down, this is the best anime of 2010 so far. That said, I hope something better than this comes out in future, because that would mean we’re starting to get back into really good anime and less Moe bullshit…
Sora no Woto
Speaking of Moe bullshit… This series kind of existed during the Winter season. Now, Fleets and Chuck are of the opinion that this show sucked ass, and I won’t argue with them too much. It was nothing spectacular, the plotline was rehashed from pretty much every anime known to man, and the character designs were stolen completely from a certain other popular Moe series that wasn’t even a year old yet when they did it. This show is like someone said “Hey, let’s put the K-ON girls in the military! It’ll sell!”. Anyways, I digress, it honestly isn’t the worst anime I’ve ever seen. Parts of it made me laugh, just as much made me facepalm, but it got a few laughs. In my opinion, there was one saving grace for this show, the music. As you’d expect from a show with a title that translates into “Sounds of the Sky”, the music is really well done. I mean, first there’s the opening theme, which I absolutely loved, and then there’s the background music that actually matched the scenes really well. Also, throwing an orchestral version of Amazing Grace into the series as an insert from time to time helped quite a bit. The ending… meh, could have done with or without it, but still, music was awesome. So, if you’re like me, and you’ve stuck with a series to the end just because of the music, I’d give this a try.
Dance in the Vampire Bund
Well, this series was a disappointment. It started off rather good, and then after the first few episodes it kind of took a nosedive. In fact, I almost thought it was a Gonzo series for a while there, and then I remembered that they went bankrupt. No, this piece of shit was made by Shaft, a company that’s had a really good track record in the last few years as far as I’m concerned. It shocked me that they fucked it up that hard. Anyways, the series is about the Queen of the Vampires bringing her people into the public eye, and making a kingdom for them just off of Japan… after paying off the entire country to do so by paying off their national debt all in one go. The story revolves around all the issues that arise from this sudden movement, and mainly the Queen’s favourite servant, a werewolf named Akira’s, involvement in it all. Good start, looked promising, and then just fell through towards the end. It just seemed pointless after the first half of the series, and that pointless arc was very rushed to boot. This show gets a big fail from me.
Seikon no Qwasar
Ugh… someone remind me why I’m still watching this? Oh yeah… Anyways, Seikon no Quasar, the show about a group of individuals who each have control of an element of the periodic table, and recover their power to do so by drinking fresh breast milk straight from a woman’s breasts. Yep. It’s just as bad as it sounds. The series itself isn’t actually that bad mind you, but there’s one glaring little issue with it… censorship. Now, I can understand covering up certain parts in the name of censorship, using randomly place leaves and fog to cover up parts that can’t be shown on tv. However, that’s not what they did here. Instead, they mess with the camera angles. That’s right, the fight is happening, a big moment they put a lot of effort into animating, and what do they do? They tilt the fucking camera up to stare at clouds. Makes the show unwatchable. No matter how bad a show is, if we’re watching it, it means we want to see the fucking action! We don’t want to hear it while staring at a nearby tree! Why am I still watching it? Uncut directors edition… low quality internet streaming, but still better than the 720p tv version…
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
This series is about a school where students have the ability to summon chibi clones of themselves with attack power and HP based on their grades in order to do battle with each other for various reasons. In particular, it’s about the F class, the guys with the lowest grades in the school and their quest to prove that they aren’t useless like everyone seems to be believe, and that grades aren’t everything. That said, for a series that had that combat system set up so early on as a major plot point, there really wasn’t all that much combat. The actual battles only really took place in the first episode, and the final two. In between was your pretty standard high school anime full of running gags that got stale after the first two times you saw them. When the battles were taking place, the series was good, the strategies used were interesting, and it was fun to watch. In between, it was nothing special, and actually fairly boring. Make of this what you will, it had its good points, but largely the show failed to deliver. I don’t recommend it, but I won’t recommend you avoid it either.
This show is like what you’d get if you combined the writers that did Higurashi, with the character designers from Peach Pit (creators of Dears, Rozen Maiden, etc). Creepy mystery plotline where no real information about what’s going on is revealed until the end of the series, with cutesy character designs. The show itself was pretty good, though Fleets will likely disagree with that statement. The mystery kept me hooked for the entire series, and they revealed the information about it so sparingly that it kept you interested for the entire thing, as well as confusing you at points with certain details that made you throw away all your assumptions. It was well executed, and didn’t continue on much past the point where the mystery was finally solved, and all issues therein were resolved. I’d definitely recommend people take a look at this series, as it’s definitely one of my top picks for the season.
Omamori Himari
Standard, in every single way, that’s probably the best way to explain this series. Fanservice everywhere, demons fighting each other, and the main character not only surrounded by women, but has some sort of mysterious power hidden within him that is supposed to make him one of the most powerful people in the world. Above all else, the female lead is constantly emo about how it isn’t right for her to be around the main character despite him, and every other character in the show constantly reassuring her that they all want her to be with them. There is nothing original about this series, at all. It reeks of having its plotline stolen from everywhere else. That said though, it’s definitely a Chuck anime, tits and fighting everywhere. Honestly, at very least, when it stole things from every other anime in existence, it only picked up the good things… well, aside from that little quality about the female lead that always pissed me off. Anyways, not the best show, but it’s at least watchable.
Ladies vs. Butlers
Oh man, this show… I honestly think this series could have traded television stations with Seikon no Qwasar to avoid the whole censorship issue as the guys who aired this seem to have no problem with showing absolutely everything. I mean, seriously, this is the kind of show that usually gets through fine with light censorship here and there, a leaf from a strategically placed tree blocking view of things and so forth. Instead, we get full on nudity at every turn. Not that I’m complaining, just noticing that the more extreme series ended up on a station that cared, and this one didn’t.
Anyways, the series is about a new transfer student at a school for rich kids, where the rich students study alongside their future maids and butlers. However, there’s only one male in the rich kid half, and three guys total in the servant half. Anyways, the series involves the interactions between him and all the other students, usually resulting in some fairly racy scenes. Anyways, series ends up focusing on the fact that two of the girls in the rich class are competing over him, but who cares, because he never fucking even noticed any of that… seriously, this guy was dense even by anime male standards. So yeah, once again, decent show, not really a must see, but it’s a great way to kill time if you need to.
I don’t even know how to describe this show properly… I mean, this was perhaps one of the most well disguised shows of the season. I mean, the plot summary makes it look like one of the most creepy anime every made, but it’s really not. Anyways, since I have to say this eventually, I’ll just do it. This series is about a group of middle school girls as they learn all about underwear to suit their developing bodies, and as they make a school club to study underwear and spread the knowledge to anyone willing to learn. Yep… that’s pretty much the plot synopsis. However, this series was actually kind of light-hearted and cute. For one, the main character, Nayu, had a legitimate interest in women’s underwear, for purposes of comfort and function. Her Grandmother and her older brother were both underwear designers, and lord knows it looks like she was going to be doing that too. That mentality of hers actually draws in a lot of other people and makes them interested in it as well. It even sort of makes fun of what we’re all inevitably thinking about the plot of this series. Everyone in the show who seems to think of underwear as something erotic or naughty is shown as an idiot, a bitch, or a misguided individual who gets set on the right path by the main characters. This series was actually a lot better than I originally assumed it would be, and I recommend people give it a look.
Boku Otaryman
There’s always one of these… every god damned season. That one thing that I’m looking forward to, that I’ve heard great things about, and I wait for... So someone please tell me… WHY HAS NO ONE SUBBED THIS YET?!?!?! I mean, I don’t even see so much as a raw out for this on the internet. Why must people always do this? The series is about a working man, who is also an otaku. Far from the usual stereotype where Otaku usually get shown as Hikkikomori, or complete geeks, he’s a working individual supporting himself, and his hobby. The manga is well liked, and it’s a decently popular series, so why has it not been subbed? *sigh* Well, I hope it gets done soon…
Considering this series is only four episodes in by this point, it really feels like I’m doing a first impressions review here. Anyways, the series is about a man named Shichika, heir to a martial arts style known a Kyotoryu, a martial art that has been given the title, “The strongest style of swordsmanship, which uses no sword”. That’s right, it is an unarmed martial art that focuses on disarming armed opponents, or otherwise breaking their weapon. It also treats the arms and legs of the user’s body much like blades in how it works, but this is all technical babble. Anyways, his entire family was exiled to a deserted island because the Shogun feared his father, despite the fact that his father single-handedly squashed a rebellion for him. One day, a young girl working for the Shogun comes to the island, begging him to help her on a quest to gather 12 famous swords from all corners of the country. Why would she resort to asking someone her lord exiled? Because she’s been betrayed by all those who were sent to follow her. The ninjas worked for money, but the swords were each worth far more than the Shogun could pay, so they took the information and ran. The samurai she had with her worked for honour, but the honour of wielding one of these swords was far greater, and so he left her side with one of the blades in hand. In the end, she found she couldn’t trust anyone who worked for money or honour, and so she came to him hoping to find someone who would work for the only reason left. Love. She came into his home, sat down, and asked him to fall for her. I never said she was the brightest person in the world.
Anyways, the show follows them as they work to get their hands on all the swords, fighting off many opponents, including the current owners, and the ninjas who are out to steal them. What’s interesting to note, is that the novels this is based on were written by the same author as Bakemonogatari, and you can really tell. The way this show does its dialogue is very similar to Bakemonogatari, the circular conversations that never seem to go anywhere, and yet never leave you bored for a moment, and yet this show knows exactly how to combine that with awesome action scenes. Anyways, the reason this show is only 4 episodes in at present is because it’s not airing on a normal schedule. This series airs once every two weeks or so, but the episodes are an hour long each, so it’s very worth it in the end. It’s an awesome series that keeps you waiting an wanting the next episode, and everyone should give it a watch.
Anyways, that’s it for what I watched in the winter season. Look forward to seeing my first impressions of the Spring season the minute someone subs Uraboku.
…Wait… someone already has? Well then, I have absolutely no excuse, now do I?
Adam vs the msn sex bot
My friend got stuck with a virus on msn and it created this amazingly awkward conversation...
(friend) says:
Looking for something real sexy to look at ? then click here CLICK HERE and click on "enter premium video chat" or click "join free" at top of the page!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
dude! you should get a virus scanner or something. Every time you sign in I get this message from you:
(friend) says:
hey cutie pie
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
"Looking for something real sexy to look at ? then click here CLICK HERE and click on "enter premium video chat" or click "join free" at top of the page!!!"
That shows up every time you sign in
(friend) says:
i'm 22/f your a male right?
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
no I'm a transvestite, seriously though, your not a girl and
(friend) says:
nice, I just got off work and finally got some time to relax which site did i msg you from again?
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
so can I say anything I want and you'll come up with an automated response eh...
(friend) says:
I am a little busy right now, i have some new pics that i'd like u to see, but i'd rather you see me on cam!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
I'd probably see a penis so I'd rather not
(friend) says:
do you cam? Well i don't do yahoo cam or any other cam because i have been recorded before... But i do know one site you can watch me on cam, that assures me no one records...
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
I do have a cam but I'm afraid that if I turn it on, it might explode
(friend) says:
I mean... Do you want to see me on my cam? IT'S A NEW SITE THAT IM ON, ITS AWESOME!!! CLICK HERE and click on "enter premium video chat" or click "join free" at top of the page!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
I'd rather not, I might be horrified and I'd rather not feel queezy at the moment
(friend) says:
Ok go to and click on "enter premium video chat" or click "join free" at top of the page!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
I just said no you dumb bitch
(friend) says:
fill out your contact information and then on the next page...
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
I want to see how far this will go
(friend) says:
fill out your cc info baby for verification ONLY, their card will not be charged.
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
why don't you go to my website!
(friend) says:
What color Panties do you think i should wear? i might have you favorite color here somewhere...
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
black as in the color of your soul!
(friend) says:
Your such a good boy, i'm gonna show you what good boys deserve.. you can tell me to do anything you want me too!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
are you going to give me a cookie cause I'd better get one after all this bullshit
(friend) says:
Ok let me know when you get in so I can invite you directly to my cam, you should get some minutes from my cam site so you can spend time with me sexy!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
how the fuck do you find me sexy? You havn't seen me in real life. For all you know I'm like 12 years old and that would make you a pedophile
(friend) says:
try again sweetie...Ok go to and click on "enter premium video chat" or click "join free" at top of the page!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
(friend) says:
k you in yet babe??
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
I don't want to be in your god ugly pussy so leave me the fuck alone you stupid ass bitch!
(friend) says:
try again sweetie...Ok go to and click on "enter premium video chat" or click "join free" at top of the page!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
you just said the same exact thing like 4 lines ago
and I scared her/him off..... I WIN!
(friend) says:
Looking for something real sexy to look at ? then click here CLICK HERE and click on "enter premium video chat" or click "join free" at top of the page!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
dude! you should get a virus scanner or something. Every time you sign in I get this message from you:
(friend) says:
hey cutie pie
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
"Looking for something real sexy to look at ? then click here CLICK HERE and click on "enter premium video chat" or click "join free" at top of the page!!!"
That shows up every time you sign in
(friend) says:
i'm 22/f your a male right?
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
no I'm a transvestite, seriously though, your not a girl and
(friend) says:
nice, I just got off work and finally got some time to relax which site did i msg you from again?
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
so can I say anything I want and you'll come up with an automated response eh...
(friend) says:
I am a little busy right now, i have some new pics that i'd like u to see, but i'd rather you see me on cam!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
I'd probably see a penis so I'd rather not
(friend) says:
do you cam? Well i don't do yahoo cam or any other cam because i have been recorded before... But i do know one site you can watch me on cam, that assures me no one records...
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
I do have a cam but I'm afraid that if I turn it on, it might explode
(friend) says:
I mean... Do you want to see me on my cam? IT'S A NEW SITE THAT IM ON, ITS AWESOME!!! CLICK HERE and click on "enter premium video chat" or click "join free" at top of the page!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
I'd rather not, I might be horrified and I'd rather not feel queezy at the moment
(friend) says:
Ok go to and click on "enter premium video chat" or click "join free" at top of the page!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
I just said no you dumb bitch
(friend) says:
fill out your contact information and then on the next page...
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
I want to see how far this will go
(friend) says:
fill out your cc info baby for verification ONLY, their card will not be charged.
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
why don't you go to my website!
(friend) says:
What color Panties do you think i should wear? i might have you favorite color here somewhere...
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
black as in the color of your soul!
(friend) says:
Your such a good boy, i'm gonna show you what good boys deserve.. you can tell me to do anything you want me too!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
are you going to give me a cookie cause I'd better get one after all this bullshit
(friend) says:
Ok let me know when you get in so I can invite you directly to my cam, you should get some minutes from my cam site so you can spend time with me sexy!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
how the fuck do you find me sexy? You havn't seen me in real life. For all you know I'm like 12 years old and that would make you a pedophile
(friend) says:
try again sweetie...Ok go to and click on "enter premium video chat" or click "join free" at top of the page!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
(friend) says:
k you in yet babe??
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
I don't want to be in your god ugly pussy so leave me the fuck alone you stupid ass bitch!
(friend) says:
try again sweetie...Ok go to and click on "enter premium video chat" or click "join free" at top of the page!!!
(Adam) So I grab on to her hand, jam out with my band, It may look like I'm losing but that's all part of the plan says:
you just said the same exact thing like 4 lines ago
and I scared her/him off..... I WIN!
Take a look at chapter 397 of Bleach and then read this post I made almost 5 months ago.
All I have to say is....
Let it be known to everyone that I am a god damn psychic!
All I have to say is....
Let it be known to everyone that I am a god damn psychic!
Legion is a piece of shit!
I cannot believe how a movie like Legion exists with its positive buzz and what not. You'd think an apocalypse movie about a angel turning his back against god to help humanity would be cool but no, they had to be stuck in a fucking diner throughout the whole movie with nothing but idiotic cliche horror survivors who suck at having any rational thought whatsoever. Oh and all that crazy action shown in the previews you may ask? There was barely any action in the movie whatsoever, we were so completely bored out of our minds, my friend actually fell asleep during the movie and it was only 20 minutes in! It then really fustrated me when the movie decided half way through it was going to be a terminator rip off and completely steal the entire plot of a fucking 26 year old movie. Seriously what the fuck?!? And on top of that, the entire ending was a complete mess, not knowing how the fuck
a teenager can die in a car crash yet a fucking baby can survive it!
end spoilers:
And the movie can't decided at the end whether the entire conflict was solved or not. I'm so glad I didn't pay to see that movie considering it was probably one of the most insulting movies I've seen in awhile, holy fucking shit...
a teenager can die in a car crash yet a fucking baby can survive it!
end spoilers:
And the movie can't decided at the end whether the entire conflict was solved or not. I'm so glad I didn't pay to see that movie considering it was probably one of the most insulting movies I've seen in awhile, holy fucking shit...
300 Anime Songs
300 Anime Songs
I found that on Sankaku, and I gotta say, it's really hard... I mean, even I only got 132 of them. If that's all I got, I'd hate to see how serious the "True Otaku" that the video creator mentions are. I mean... if that only applies to those who got 270 or more, then wow...
Anyways, anyone who wishes to make the attempt, post your results here.
...and make sure you have half an hour to do it.
I found that on Sankaku, and I gotta say, it's really hard... I mean, even I only got 132 of them. If that's all I got, I'd hate to see how serious the "True Otaku" that the video creator mentions are. I mean... if that only applies to those who got 270 or more, then wow...
Anyways, anyone who wishes to make the attempt, post your results here.
...and make sure you have half an hour to do it.
My top ten games of 2009 (revised edition!)
I know I discussed my top 10 games of 2009 on star hill radio but after playing some other games that came out during last year, I think there needs to be some adjustments.
10. Blaz Blue
I love to casually play 2D fighters though I never really cared much for the character designs of series such as street fighter or king of fighters. I was always into the crazy fighters such as Darkstalkers (Felicia for the win!) and guilty gear and Blaz Blue was right up that alley with gorgeous 2d visuals, a deep story mode, and great online play. This easily beat Street Fighter 4 this year for best fighting game of the year.
9. The Beatles: Rock Band
Rock Band has always been my favorite out of the plastic guitar game series and Harmonix really knocked it out of the park with The Beatles. Its everything a fan would want out of a Beatles game with behinds the scenes footage, classic songs you will never get tired of playing, and trippy visuals. I also love the fact that Harmonix took some cues from the newer Guitar Hero games and put a timer when you unpause the game.
8. Dragon Age: Origins
This game is extremely fucking deep. Every time I play the game I feel like I barely scratched the surface. It also plays almost exactly like Star Wars: Knights of the old republic and that game was my crack when it first came out so this will have me hooked for awhile when you add in all the custom fan made quests and various dlc.
7. Borderlands
This is what Fallout 3 should of been. Online coop, a true marriage of fps and rpg action, and collecting over a billion guns truly makes for some addicting gameplay. Definably one of the biggest surprises of 2009.
6. Brutal Legend
When Tim Schafer makes a new game, I have no choice but to buy it without any question, even if it sounds too good to be true. A homage to heavy metal starring Jack Black, Ozzy, and other big stars combined with an open world action adventure mixed with vehicular combat and rts sections. Its very funny and very different which makes this game a breath of fresh air compared to all the other releases out this year.
5. Assassin's Creed 2
Holy fucking shit... Where the hell did this come from?!? I absolutely loathed the first game as it had loads of promise but the repetitive gameplay and frustrating plot points near the end of the game just enraged me to no end which I didn't even want to play the sequel. After getting my hands on it however, I haven't been able to put it down. Every single problem I had with the original has been fixed and I love the fact that the main character is a much more likable than Altair (who was an extreme douche in the original). Biggest surprise of 2009 for me... well except for the next game.
4. Tales of Monkey Island
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, HELL HAS TRULY FROZEN OVER! It's been a decade since we've last seen Guybrush Threepwood and since the announcement at E3 that Monkey Island is getting revived by Telltale games, I was in complete fan boy bliss. What I did not expect however, was how this episodic series really evolved the characters in a more darker and mature way while still keeping the comedy intact. This series is right up there with Monkey Island 2 and 3 and anyone who enjoys Lucasarts adventure games should definably pick this up, RIGHT NOW!.
3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
This game is crack, period! Once you start playing this game, you will never put it down. The online is robust and addicting, the single player is an incredible ride, and spec ops is a cool alternative to a co op campaign.
2. New Super Mario Bros Wii
This is the true sequel to Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World, that's how good this game truly is. 4 player coop is really fun and the game is probably the hardest Mario platformer I've played yet.
1. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
No game this year had me excited more than Uncharted 2. The first game became one of my favorite games due to the combination of platforming and 3rd person cover based shooting with a well written plot inspired by pulp adventures such as Raiders of the Lost Ark. The sequel blows everything about the original in the water as every single moment of the game feels like a huge action set piece you'd expect from like a final level or a Hollywood blockbuster. The graphics are amazing, the multiplayer is addicting with aspects of cod 4 in its interface, and the story is mind blowingly great. This is the next step in interactive entertainment and I can't wait to see what Naughty Dog does next for Nathan Drake.
I love to casually play 2D fighters though I never really cared much for the character designs of series such as street fighter or king of fighters. I was always into the crazy fighters such as Darkstalkers (Felicia for the win!) and guilty gear and Blaz Blue was right up that alley with gorgeous 2d visuals, a deep story mode, and great online play. This easily beat Street Fighter 4 this year for best fighting game of the year.
Rock Band has always been my favorite out of the plastic guitar game series and Harmonix really knocked it out of the park with The Beatles. Its everything a fan would want out of a Beatles game with behinds the scenes footage, classic songs you will never get tired of playing, and trippy visuals. I also love the fact that Harmonix took some cues from the newer Guitar Hero games and put a timer when you unpause the game.
This game is extremely fucking deep. Every time I play the game I feel like I barely scratched the surface. It also plays almost exactly like Star Wars: Knights of the old republic and that game was my crack when it first came out so this will have me hooked for awhile when you add in all the custom fan made quests and various dlc.
This is what Fallout 3 should of been. Online coop, a true marriage of fps and rpg action, and collecting over a billion guns truly makes for some addicting gameplay. Definably one of the biggest surprises of 2009.
When Tim Schafer makes a new game, I have no choice but to buy it without any question, even if it sounds too good to be true. A homage to heavy metal starring Jack Black, Ozzy, and other big stars combined with an open world action adventure mixed with vehicular combat and rts sections. Its very funny and very different which makes this game a breath of fresh air compared to all the other releases out this year.
Holy fucking shit... Where the hell did this come from?!? I absolutely loathed the first game as it had loads of promise but the repetitive gameplay and frustrating plot points near the end of the game just enraged me to no end which I didn't even want to play the sequel. After getting my hands on it however, I haven't been able to put it down. Every single problem I had with the original has been fixed and I love the fact that the main character is a much more likable than Altair (who was an extreme douche in the original). Biggest surprise of 2009 for me... well except for the next game.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, HELL HAS TRULY FROZEN OVER! It's been a decade since we've last seen Guybrush Threepwood and since the announcement at E3 that Monkey Island is getting revived by Telltale games, I was in complete fan boy bliss. What I did not expect however, was how this episodic series really evolved the characters in a more darker and mature way while still keeping the comedy intact. This series is right up there with Monkey Island 2 and 3 and anyone who enjoys Lucasarts adventure games should definably pick this up, RIGHT NOW!.
This game is crack, period! Once you start playing this game, you will never put it down. The online is robust and addicting, the single player is an incredible ride, and spec ops is a cool alternative to a co op campaign.
This is the true sequel to Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World, that's how good this game truly is. 4 player coop is really fun and the game is probably the hardest Mario platformer I've played yet.
No game this year had me excited more than Uncharted 2. The first game became one of my favorite games due to the combination of platforming and 3rd person cover based shooting with a well written plot inspired by pulp adventures such as Raiders of the Lost Ark. The sequel blows everything about the original in the water as every single moment of the game feels like a huge action set piece you'd expect from like a final level or a Hollywood blockbuster. The graphics are amazing, the multiplayer is addicting with aspects of cod 4 in its interface, and the story is mind blowingly great. This is the next step in interactive entertainment and I can't wait to see what Naughty Dog does next for Nathan Drake.
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