An action based show that kind of reminds me of Persona 3 if there were more encounters like the first one at the dorm. Basically, a set of high school students find themselves getting transported into a weird sort of parallel dimension that looks like their world, except everyone else is missing, for a period of time every day. Only difference between this and the dark hour appears to be the colour shift. Persona 3 had green, this show has red. Anyways, weird creatures appear in this alternate reality, very reminiscent of the Shadows from Persona... and the kids are forced to fight for their lives while they try and figure out what is causing this phenomenon. All Persona fans are now asking whether they all have some sort of special power to fight these things... actually, most anime fans are probably thinking that... and the answer is no duh.
What I love about this show, the theme song, its absolutely awesome, what don't I like... three episodes into the series, and absolutely nothing feels like its happened... for a 12 episode series, its moving pretty freaking slowly...
Aoi Bungaku
Yes, there are subs for this now. Go, find them, its worth it. Basically, this show plans to take several classic Japanese short stories, one of which I really like, and animate them. Not sounding that interesting yet? All character designs are being handled by three people... Takeshi Obata, Takeshi Konomi, and Tite Kubo, the original manga creators for Death Note, Prince of Tennis, and Bleach respectively. Got your attention yet? The series so far is really dark, but that's going to be subject to change as they circle between the six short stories they're doing.
My only problem, the lack of fansubs. I mean, come on, ten groups are subbing Kampfer, and only one seemingly slow group is doing this? What's Kampfer? Oh, keep reading and you'll find out...
Fairy Tail
Based on the incredibly popular manga of the same name, Fairy Tail comes as yet another shounen series that will probably never end. The protagonist, Lucy, is a mage that is trying to get into a popular mage guild known as Fairy Tail. In the first episode, she runs across a guy named Natsu, who not only happens to be a mage, but a rather well known member of said guild. Stuff happens, he takes her with him to the guild, and she gets in. Really. No test, no need to prove herself, they just let her in. Apparently the only condition to entering this well known guild is to find its HQ. Anyways, its entertaining, but once again, its looking to be another arc based fighting series that will inevitably go on until no one cares anymore because of all the filler. *coughNarutoandBleachcough*
Anyways, another thing to note is the voice cast. It feature Hirano Aya (Haruhi) as Lucy, Simon from Gurren Lagann as Natsu, and Kugimiya Rie (Shana, Louise, Taiga) as a cat. Listening to Simon's voice actually make an "eat that for breakfast" joke that worked rather literally in context was kind of funny as well.
Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen
Yes, it's back. Do we care? Sort of. Why? They're only giving it 26 episodes. This series will actually cover the ending of the Inuyasha manga, finally ending the series for good. So that means it has 26 episodes to cover 25 volumes of manga from where the first series left off. Wait... what? Doesn't that mean they're doing almost a full volume per episode? Oh right, it's a Rumiko Takahashi manga, its mostly filler anyways.
I would also like to note that I'm watching this despite the fact that I gave up on the first series halfway through. It is one of two shows I've ever actually dropped... though mostly due to YTV's bullshit and not the series itself. Am I going to finish watching the 75 episodes I missed before I start? No. I really don't think I'm missing all that much. He probably got a new sword or something, new flashy move, spent the entire 75 episodes chasing after Naraku in a fun-filled, but rather pointless set of filler arcs only to once again not kill him in the end... Am I about right?
Oh crap, I mentioned it before so now I have to do this... Okay, so Kampfer is a series about a guy, who turns into a girl, to fight other girls who turn into other girls, in some weird sort of game for the amusement of what I can only assume are the game programmers of whatever H-game this show was based on, while being fed information by talking stuffed animals with their intestines hanging out, who are voiced by big name VAs. No really, I can't make this shit up if I tried. I don't think its supposed to make sense, I mean, the series definitely doesn't take itself seriously. As for the VAs, there are so many jokes with the animals about their VAs... like having Tamura Yukari playing the rabbit, and Nana Mizuki playing the cat... the two VAs are best known for playing Nanoha and Fate respectively, and god damn I know there's going to be a joke about that in there somewhere...
Kampfer, at least they put the best part about the series in the title.
...if you didn't get that, I ain't explaining it.
Kimi ni Todoke
I love this series already. It's a shoujo series produced by Production I.G., the studio that brought us Ghost in the Shell, and more recently Eden of the East. Basically it follows a girl named Sawako, who most of her class is afraid of due to her resemblance to Sadako, the little girl from The Ring, as she tries to open up to the people around her and make friends. It also follows her as she completely misses the fact that guy she respects so much has a huge crush on her. I mean, could he make it any more obvious? Hell, I thought they got together after the first episode because he more or less confessed to her at the end. Went right over her head apparently.
Why are you still reading this? Go watch this right now!
This show is made by Clamp, what else do you need to know. It's cute, the storyline seems both engaging and interesting at the same time, and it features Inada Tetsu, the voice of the big, burly, gay guy from Ga-Rei Zero as a stuffed blue dog that breathes fire. I think the thing that caught me about this is the fact that Clamp was releasing this manga for years... at the same time as both Tsubasa and xxxHolic, and other little projects... Damn those 4 women can do a lot of work. As far as I know only one of them actually does the art...
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu - Purezza
I can't explain this show as well as I'd like to, so I will provide you with a handy flowchart.
In all seriousness though, watch it. The series is essentially about a high school kid named Ayase Yuuto who discovers that the most popular girl in school is a closet otaku. Though unlike everyone else who's ever found that out, he doesn't ridicule her for it, and the two of them become good friends... though I think from any logical standpoint it's pretty obvious that they were dating from the get-go... no matter what the two of them say. It's a really nice series, and you need to watch it. Do yourself a favour and just do it, you'll be happy you did.
Nyan Koi
The story of this series is about a boy who accidentally breaks a shrine to some sort of cat deity. As a curse, he is given the ability to understand what cats can say, and informed that if he doesn't commit 100 good deeds for cats all over the city, he will be turned into one himself. The real catch here? He's allergic to cats. If he gets turned into a cat, it's worse than just having to learn to live with it... he will literally be allergic to himself and die slowly and painfully. So to prevent that from happening, he has to take the plunge and help the thing that drives him insane. It's a comedy too, so plenty of fun to be had.
I like this series, mainly because I can empathize with the protagonist. I'm allergic to cats too, and the damn things drive me nuts... especially Ichida's cat. Damn thing came to me, started rolling around on the couch next to me like it wanted to be petted. Then it fucking bit me... damn cat.
Also, this show features Fukuyama Jun, voice of Lelouch from Code Geass as a random cat.
Sasameki Koto
The Yuri series of the season, I picked it up mainly because I watched Aoi Hana last season and absolutely loved it. This one, not so much. I mean, it's still good, but it's just lacking in so many ways. Definately not as good of a shoujo pick as Kimi ni Todoke. Basically, it follows two best friends, one of whom is an open lesbian, and the other who is still in the closet, but very much in love with the other. The catch? She's not her friend's type apparently. So the drama all comes from her being emo about being unable to be with the other girl. It's also somewhat slow moving. I swear to god the episodes seem to go so fast... and yet not much actually happened. Good series, cute art style, but not one of the best this season.
For some reason that one background song in this show reminds me of Winny the Pooh…
Seiken no Blacksmith
This series is about Knights, Blacksmiths, a living sword, and apparently people who signed contracts with the devil for power. It's a fairly good action fantasy series, and its been going rather nicely so far. Not much to say about it aside from that. Good start, watch it.
Seitokai no Ichizon
References ahoy! This show is full of them, going so far as to make refences to Dragon Ball Z, Haruhi, Lucky Star, and various other things right in the first five minutes. This show is all about the references and randomness, it has nothing else, but I can't really fault it for that. At least it's doing it better than Lucky Star, and actually has some semblance of a plot behind it all. They even made a Jigoku Shoujo reference, complete with Noto Mamiko voicing the character. That makes it great. Also, they didn't just make a Dragon Ball joke... they made a Dragon Ball Evolution joke.
"We should collect seven spherical objects with stars on them!"
Sora no Otoshimono
Another "lolwut" series this season. It's a simple of a high school boy who wanted nothing more than a normal life only to have it snatched away as a strange girl literally falls out of the sky. She calls him her master and offers to use her powers to give him whatever he desires. He quickly becomes mad with power, wishing for money, power, and the ability to grope women in the changing room while invisible. He even does a little dance through his school while naked and time is frozen. He then comes to a realization that this power was wrong and he could not abuse it any further.
No, not really, he just cries like a little bitch and abuses the weird girl every episode instead. I can't help but yell at him... he's voiced by Souichiro Hoshi, one of the manliest voices in anime, stop crying!
Anyways decent show, at very least it's fun. Also, flock of panties migrating across the world for the win.
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
Should I even be mentioning this here? I said I wouldn't mention second seasons... though this honestly isn't really a second season, more of a spin-off of Toaru Majutsu no Index. Essential idea is that they took the target audience's (read as loli lovers) favourite minor character and gave her her own show. That's more or less it. I have to admit though, she always seemed like a more interesting character than Touma ever did. Though now I'm starting to question that considering the lack of an actual storyline so far...
Whatever, bottom line, she flicks a coin and gets the same sort of effect as if it were fired from a Railgun. That's kind of awesome.
Anyways, that's it for another season, I'll probably be making another of these come January, not to mention whatever other little random anime comments I come up with in between.
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