
Make the effort to bring (what I believed were) various interesting stories and get heckled for it. Fucking great. At least I've learned effort is never rewarded in this group. This is what fucking happens when Adam pussies out of a podcast. SHIT BUILDS UP. Not even appreciation for actually gathering news stories more than fifteen minutes before we record.


Fleetscut said...

first go bitch somewhere else no one wants to hear your complaining. you have your own blog noone reads so go whine there. second have you ever watched the news before in your life? cause i doubt you even know what the word news means. theres a difference between a newspaper which reports all the gritty details and a news channel/radio station which tells the people only the important things they want to hear. not every 15 second story is news worthy and only the really interesting things will grab peoples attention. second 1500 news stories doesnt coutn as "gathering news stories" it just means you went to some random web site and copy pasta'd every single article you saw. why would people waste thier time listening to a podcast when they could better spend that time going to the same website? the point of a news show is to find the important/interesting things that people care about so you can clump them all together to save them time.

how about you suck it up for once and be a man? instead of crying everytime you scrape your knees. im getting sick of this shit

Adamgamer said...

No offense but I didn't "pussy" out during the podcast last week and you knew why so I take quite an offence to that comment >:(

Ransack said...

*copy and pastes Fleet's comment*
Yea I'm fucking sick and tired of hearing you cry about every time you fuck up or get made fun of! You need to grow up and grow a pair...Nut up or shut up. The 2nd is better on both parties believe me.

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