In the infinite blackness of space, a small star was born. It was so magnificent, that it attracted others of its kind. Two longer white essences came and joined the star. They played their cosmic game of catch and pass, and all was good in the world.
As the universe continued to form, there were more stars. Stars which evolved and took on many different forms. The original star, Pong Atari, grew, expanded, and spawned others like it. Other Atari. It reigned supreme over the universe, populated by others such as Coleco, Game & Watch, and the Commodore.
Things were peaceful for a time, but these stars were immature and underdeveloped, and eventually their strife and conflict caused their mutual self-destruction.
It was around this era that a very special star formed. This star was named Sega. It represented promise and potential for this universe. Sega, upon its own roots, began forming two powerful stars; the Master System and the Game Gear, designed to usher in a new era for all the denizens of the universe.
This star's radiance was such that others became inspired to evolve as well. These stars took on names and grew at a rate that rivalled the Master System. The most prominent among these stars was Nintendo, as well as the revived Atari. Nintendo was born with such foresight that it branched itself off into its own miniature galaxy, formed of many different prominent stars, naming its two major halves NES and Game Boy. As the NES system continued to evolve as itself, the Game Boy was a wild spirit, as it branched off further into many variations: Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Light, and such.
Meanwhile, Sega had finally perfected itself, as its pride and joy, the Master System, evolved into many different forms, all of which live on in the annuls of history, including the Genesis, the Mega Drive, and the Sega CD. The Game Gear, however, faded into darkness, long before its time. At the same time, a strange foreign star known as SNK had produced the Neo-Geo, an oddly formed star that marvelled at its own artistic beauty.
Nintendo would not be outdone. The hidden and savage competitive nature between these star systems had made itself known. Its stable half, the NES, evolved into the SNES, and shone with a spectral brilliance that echoed throughout the galaxy. Many of the stars the SNES spawned are still shining today. In addition, the Game Boy followed suit and evolved into the Super Game Boy.
The wars to control the galaxy continued for eons. While Atari struggled to maintain its own existence, a new power entered existence. This already-powerful giant was named Sony. With its most prominent masterpiece, the PlayStation, the sides had begun to make themselves clear. Gradually, then suddenly, the other stars faded, submitting to the shine of the three biggest star systems, Nintendo, Sega, and Sony. What would turn into the greatest war known to man had begun.
As Nintendo grew further and further, expanding itself into new dimensions, it became the Nintendo 64 and the Game Boy Advance, which again spawned others; the Game Boy Advance SP, the Game Boy Micro, and so on. Sega, long tired of the wars, made its final stand. The last shine of brilliance it produced was the wondrous Dreamcast star. However, it was short-lived; Sega, as the oldest of the modern star systems, had lived its lifespan. Shortly after creating the Dreamcast, Sega buckled and began to fade. As a final, desperate move, Sega fractured itself, and surrendered each piece to each of the major systems, living on forever inside each. Sega would never be forgotten.
The last piece of Sega which floated alone attracted yet another power. The alien star known as Microsoft. It was already locked in a fierce battle with other systems in its own universe, but the clash between this universe had attracted Microsoft, forcing them to take part in the Grand Wars, as they produced their first piece - the Xbox.
The other systems were amused; nobody believed the Xbox would last. However, the Xbox discovered and consumed the final Sega shard, and began to evolve at a blinding rate. It was not long before it was on par with Nintendo and Sony.
For another age the star systems battled for control. As the Xbox continued to evolve, Sony created the PlayStation 2, and Nintendo the Gamecube. Meanwhile, remnants of past systems struggled to revive and create new systems. There were survivors of the Atari, among other new formations such as the NGage and the WonderSwan, but none of them shone very long.
The battle became savage, as new, alien technology merged with the major systems. The PlayStation 3, the Nintendo Wii, and the Xbox 360 clashed as the major trifecta of the universe.
At the same time, the braches of Sony and Nintendo continued to evolve. The PlayStation Portable and the Nintendo DS clashed. While the Portable continued to evolve itself, the DS focused on spawning more and more variations. The DSlite, the DSi, the DSi XL, all came at the PSP with ferocity, though the two remained equals.
To this day, these major powers struggle back and forth, with no clear victor in sight. Each finding the other's weakness. Each reviving past stars to strengthen themselves. Each finding new and creative ways to wage war. It seems as if it will never stop.
However... one of the powers that Microsoft had battled with in a parallel universe was starting to seep through. This power was named Apple. With its bizarre alien iPhone, would it develop a major star system of its own and become The Fourth?
Time will tell.
This is the Epic of the Universe.
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