ARGH. Not since Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has there been such a reality-fucking ending that took forever! I thought Chapter XIV was the final boss because it was epic and multi-level, but boy was I wrong! After barely making it through battling on top of missiles flying around a city, Chapter XV was climbing the huge tower, then Chapter XVI was the man-behind-the-curtain boss, which was even more epic and had even more phases, so I thought THAT was the final boss. Wrong again. The battle takes off into space for the finale.
Spoiler alert! Highlight text to read.
--> The final boss is God. Or this world's version of God. Also it's a woman. Or whatever you'd call an omnipotent being with eight huge wings, a feminine frame, and breasts. This fight had at least four or five phases to it, and death brings you all the way back. Yes, this took at least an hour. USE DURGA FLAME KICKS ON ITS HAND. Oh, and after I squeaked past that fight, it's the last-ditch-time-battle-or-the-world-dies, as the God you just beat turns back into a statue and you have to smash it before it crashes into the planet. And that's the last story battle. But since every Chapter has to have ten "verses," there were more fights during the CREDITS, and they were all obviously time-limited battles. Since I had just spent all my dexterity on the major boss, I only managed to win one of them. <--
Phew... so, all in all, despite all my RAGE, I actually enjoyed this game. A LOT. And I don't normally play action games or things this gorey. A definite buy for anyone (over 17 :P).
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