Fuck Twilight!

A young kid walked into my room mate's game store yesterday, complaining that he was forced to see New Moon for his birthday. He looked so depressed that I told him to go watch Zombieland and feel much better. What I want to know however.... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE, SERIOUSLY FUCK THAT MOVIE AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR! FUCK THE SPARKLE, FUCK THE SHITTY ROMANCE PLOT (its so fucking horribly written) AND FUCK THE FAN GIRLS THAT MADE IT THIS POPULAR. Vampires and werewolves used to be cool but now its turned to complete shit, whats next? Succubuses?!? And now there's already going to be a third movie this summer already... FUCK THAT SHIT AND OVERSATURATING THE MARKET WITH SHITTY MOVIES! Why can't girls go crazy about some better romance movie like the Princess Bride or something?


Fleetscut said...

i mostly have a problem with the fangirls. dont really care much for the movie/books itself

DeejayNeo said...

Its ok, i hate that series as much as the next person but, ima go back to ignoring that shit.

Raven said...

The only thing I hate more than Twilight, is the fans of it... seriously, why the hell do they get grouped together with comic and anime fans?

Fuck New Moon, I'm going to see The Wolfman when that comes out. Now that's a fucking Werewolf movie.

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